Thank you to our funders - Allchurches Trust
The royal visit was a good opportunity to thank our principal funders. We were particularly pleased to welcome our local funders, including Allchurches Trust who were represented by Paul Playford (Grants Officer) and Emma Smith (Communications and Marketing Manager). Gloucester based Allchurches Trust - one of the UK's largest grant-making charities, kindly donated £5000 to the Friends of Gloucestershire Archives towards the development of the Heritage Hub. The Trust's funds come from its ownership of Ecclesiastical Insurance Group
Since our project is all about community engagement, we put some of Allchurches Trust's funding towards artwork inspired by workshops in care homes and communities across the county. The rest of the grant helped provide community notice boards and interpretation, including the feature photographic walls that were created from the winning landscape photos following a public competition.
We feel these features contribute significantly to the warm welcome we offer community groups and individuals who visit the Heritage Hub, including the Age UK group of Kingsholm residents who now visit each Thursday.
We are most grateful to Allchurches Trust for making this possible, and for joining us on our special day.

Emma Smith and Paul Playford meeting The Princess Royal.