Our 'Green Pledge' project gets going

Earlier this year we received the fabulous news that our 'Green Pledge' project, which will see the county’s unique environmental archives opened-up and used for various events and activities, has received just under £250K from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Since then, we've been busy recruiting. The new project team is now appointed and the Project Cataloguer and Project Officer began work on 2 October. For now, activity is focusing on the many boxes of historic maps and plans used by the Environment Agency. These important records are currently uncatalogued and Jenny, the Project Cataloguer, will need volunteer help to compile detailed descriptions for them all and achieve one of the project's key outcomes. She has devised a spreadsheet to enable volunteers to capture the required pieces of information from each map or plan within a roll. Imogen, our work experience student from Cirencester College, has been acting as 'guinea pig' to test out the instructions and methodology before more volunteers are recruited. Keep an eye on GoVolunteer Gloucestershire if you're interested in getting involved with this task.

Meanwhile Hannah, our Project Officer, has been reaching out to students and teachers. She wants help to co-create archives that capture the essence of our 'Green' initiative and is also looking to share eco-friendly tips, tricks, and lifestyle choices. If you have ideas, dreams, or schemes to share, then email Hannah.Basnett@gloucestershire.gov.uk today!
To finish, here's a mind blowing fact from the Digital Decarbonisation website which is devoted to reducing our carbon footprints.
Did you know…an average post from Ronaldo on Instagram has such an immense reach that it consumes an energy equivalent to powering 10 homes for an entire year! To put this into perspective, with 45k Instagram posts being made every minute, if just two of these posts were as impactful as Ronaldo’s, it would be comparable to powering every single home in Washington DC, New York, and London for an entire year.
And keep an eye on the project's dedicated website page.