Gloucestershire Archives: Secrets Revealed

The Census: What's the Fuss?
Wednesday 26 January. 1 - 2pm. Free of charge
With the 1921 census about to be released (and despite the fact most of us will have to wait a year for free access to it) this talk will take a brief look at the history of the census, including just how they were undertaken in Britain. We will then focus on just why they are so interesting and so useful to historians and family historians alike.
To book this talk visit Gloucestershire Archives Events
Future events to add to your diary...
...February's talk

A brief history of Gloucester’s Civic Buildings (aka “You have no authority here!”)
Wednesday 23 February, 1 - 2pm. Free of charge
his presentation will look at the various buildings that have had a role in the governing and administration of Gloucester from Roman times to the present day. Using archive maps, images and documents it will reveal the history and nature of places including the Roman basilica, Saxon Great Hall, the Norman castles, the medieval Gildehall and Boothall and then the Tolsey, Guildhall and a few more besides. We will investigate how these places helped the civil administration evolve and what happened to the buildings when they passed out of use.
Secrets Revealed are live Zoom seminars that bring together a community of people with a shared interest in history, heritage, culture and their importance in today’s world.
To book this talk visit Gloucestershire Archives Events
.....and coming in March

Throw away the key! – a brief history of Gloucestershire prisons & prisoners
Wednesday 23 March, 1 - 2pm. Free of charge.
There has always been a need for somewhere to put wrongdoers and criminals, so this presentation will provide an overview of some of the lockups, bridewells, gaols and prisons in the county and how they functioned with the justice systems of the time. The criminal history of the county is well represented in the archive record and so this presentation will also look at what crimes took place, the punishments that were handed out, some of those who were incarcerated and reveal the hidden aspects of what their day-to-day regime could be.
Secrets Revealed are live Zoom seminars that bring together a community of people with a shared interest in history, heritage, culture and their importance in today’s world.
To book this talk visit Gloucestershire Archives Events
Other useful information about the talks.....
This monthly series of leisurely lunchtime learning sessions are great for those who are new to learning about the past and for those passionate about history, keen to expand their knowledge on a given subject in a focused session.
Led by experts at Gloucestershire Archives they are easy to digest, laced with humour and full of headline facts and context information ready to unlock an the secrets of a time gone by.
Secrets Revealed are live Zoom seminars that bring together a community of people with a shared interest in history, heritage, culture and their importance in today’s world.
You should receive your Zoom link as an automated message when you book on to this event (remember to press the "Book now" button once you've entered your details). If you don't, please check your junk folder. If it's not in there, please contact and we will send you a link.
We also have online exhibitions some of which are related to the Secrets Revealed talks.
Visit our online exhibitions here.