A new sculpture for the Community Garden
Monday 31 January - Wednesday 23 February (during Heritage Hub opening hours).
The Heritage Hub community garden is delighted to be hosting a new sculpture by Natasha Houseago called Displaced Child.

Inspired by The Walk with Amal project Displaced Child is with us for three weeks.

In 2021, from the Syria-Turkey border all the way to the UK, The Walk brought together celebrated artists, major cultural institutions, community groups and humanitarian organisations, creating one of the most innovative and adventurous public artworks ever attempted.
At the heart of The Walk is ‘Little Amal’, a 3.5 metre-tall puppet of a young refugee girl. representing all displaced children, many separated from their families. Little Amal travelled over 8,000km embodying the urgent message “Don’t forget about us”.
The Walk | July to November 2021 (walkwithamal.org)
Natasha spent several weeks at Nature in Art carving the sculpture and it will be sited there permanently once it has visited other venues.
The sculpture has already been hosted by Gloucester Cathedral and The Everyman Theatre. From the Heritage Hub it will visit the University of Gloucestershire.

We are hoping young people from a local primary school will be able to join Natasha and discover more about how she made the sculpture. Young people will also have the opportunity to add to the sculpture making their own peg doll and finding out more about the refugee children who have inspired Displaced Child.

To find out more about the sculpture and the project visit the Heritage Hub community garden.