Gloucester Local History Society
Gloucester History

Gloucester Local History Society brings together everyone with an interest in the history of Gloucester. It was formed in 2012 under the chairmanship of Jerry Jenkinson who had previously spent over 20 years researching the history of this fascinating area. His papers now form the basis of the Society’s archive.
The first two years of the Society’s existence saw a steady increase in membership. Meetings took the form of open discussion as members shared research experiences and memories of by-gone days. There was a keen emphasis on social history, gathering the memories of local people who had lived in the city all their lives and who had seen and felt the impact of ‘progress’.
Since 2015 speakers have been invited to share their local knowledge with members on topics central to Gloucester’s heritage. Contact is made with the wider community through Twitter and Facebook. The hope is that Gloucester Local History Society will continue to thrive and to inspire people to take an interest in the centuries of history that lie beneath our feet.
All meetings now take place in the Dunrossil Centre, Gloucestershire Archives (aka the Heritage Hub), Clarence Row, Gloucester, GL1 3DW, on the first Tuesday of the month (September – June), at 7pm unless otherwise stated.
Parking is available at the archives. Non-members are welcome to attend (admission £3).
For more information about the society and how to become a member visit
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Members celebrating the society’s 10th anniversary in September 2022
Tuesday 7th February – The Fab 50s, Virginia and David Adsett
Tuesday 7th March – Dendrochronology in Gloucester: Past, Present and Future, Dr. Andy Moir
Tuesday 4th April – Port to Port, a historical journey along the Gloucester & Sharpness Canal, Paul Barnett
Tuesday 2nd May – Who Lived in Westgate Street? Gloucestershire Family History Society Volunteers
Visit the Events page here for more information