Thank you to our volunteers.
Gloucestershire Archives works with 100+ volunteers who do a vast variety of tasks including catalogue enhancement, transcribing wills and inventories, describing photographs, cleaning documents, helping visitors to Gloucestershire Family History Centre with family history related enquiries, and looking after Gloucester Rugby, Fielding and Platt and Dowty heritage. Staff also volunteer, tending the community garden and looking after our bee colonies.
From April 2022 until end of December 2022, volunteers gave a staggering 6,500 hours which is an average of 64 hours per volunteer over the 6 months.
The monetary value of those volunteer hours is a very impressive £141,336 which equates to £1,400 per volunteer.
Volunteers enable the archives to do so much more than it otherwise could and we greatly value their contribution.
To say a big thank you, we held a tea party here at the Heritage Hub on December 13th, attended by volunteers and staff. It was lovely to see so many people and to be able to spend time chatting to everyone.

As part of the afternoon we also showed a double bill of short films, commissioned by Gloucestershire Archives, about Gloucester’s Kindertransport hostel (if you haven’t seen the films they are available to watch on our YouTube channel – 'The Boys at No 18' and 'Why Archives? The Kindertransport in Gloucester')

If you would like to volunteer with Gloucestershire Archives please email
To find out more visit the volunteering page on the Heritage Hub website Volunteering - Heritage hub