Gloucestershire Archives accessions
Accessions can be from any place, person or organisation in Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire.
During the second half of 2022 Gloucestershire Archives added 226 new accessions onto our online catalogue.
This includes oral reminiscence recordings with members of different communities in Gloucester; documents concerning the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the Proclamation of King Charles III; research papers of local historians; Gloucester Rugby Football Club matchday programmes; cinema and theatre programmes; short films and other material concerning the Kindertransport hostel in Gloucester; records of the Ducarel family of Newland House; and Witts family papers, including correspondence and papers relating to the army and estate and finance, 20th century.
Find a full list of accessions for July-December in the downloadable PDF below.
accessions-report-january-2023.pdf (

Some items within these collections may be closed in accordance with the Data Protection Act and/or if they contain sensitive information. However you can find details of all the accessions, and further information if they have been catalogued, by visiting our website Online Catalogue – Gloucestershire Archives.
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