Avon Local History Association
ALHA is an umbrella group, aiming to encourage and coordinate activities of the various local history, archaeological and heritage groups that lie within the Avon area. Our area is the former County of Avon, now the council areas of Bath & North-East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
From the August newsletter:

ALHA and ALHA member Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society (which in spite of its name also promotes local history) are planning an event in 2024 to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Handel Cossham, the Thornbury lad who went to work in Yate, married into coal, came to own and work much of the south Gloucestershire coalfield, became a member of Parliament, applied his wealth to philanthropy, and left money to found Kingswood’s Cossham hospital. [Image from Thornbury Roots]. The next ALHA newsletter will contain a call for speakers, a request for suggested venues and topics, and an appeal for help with organising the day or half day. In the mean time, if you are interested, please contact the treasurer, wm.evans@btopenworld.com
ALHA’s newest booklet, no.36, edited by Dr Jonathan Harlow, is ready. The title is Dr Edward Long Fox: Radical and mental health pioneer and the author is Dinah Moore. ELF was a physician who was active in Bristol politics, pioneered humane treatment for the insane at Brislington House, and founded a therapeutic spa on Knightstone island off Weston super mare. An order form, with a small discount for early purchases, accompanies this e-update.
This is Dinah Moore’s first ALHA booklet. She offers talks on Edward Long Fox and related subjects – there are connections with William Cookworthy and delftware and much else – but it will be some months before the next edition of ALHA’s directory of presenters is issued. DM can be contacted at mooredinah@me.com

Dr Edward Long Fox - Radical and mental health pioneer
For more information and to read the full newsletter visit Newsletters | Avon Local History & Archaeology (alha.org.uk)