South Gloucestershire Mines Research Group

Wednesday 26th October 2022,
“A Mining Miscellany” a talk by Steve Grudgings and Adrian Crew
Miners Institute (aka Coalpit Heath Village Hall), 214 Badminton Road, Coalpit Heath, BS36 2QB
7:00pm for 7:30pm PROMPT start
This intriguing talk will cover:
➢ Key discoveries of new data
➢ Previously unseen pictures of Shortwood Colliery and Brickworks
➢ New photographs of Frog Lane colliery and railway
➢ Sketches of a 1790 engine at Keynsham
➢ New information on the Kingswood Liberties
➢ Several other newly found images and maps
➢ Analysis of water from colliery drainage levels Coalpit Heath and Kingswood
➢ and more . . . . . .
Non members welcome - £2 each
(Membership is £17.50 per year, includes talks and newsletters)
Avon Local History Association
ALHA is an umbrella group, aiming to encourage and coordinate activities of the various local history, archaeological and heritage groups that lie within the Avon area. Our area is the former County of Avon, now the council areas of Bath & North-East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
From the August newsletter:

ALHA and ALHA member Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society (which in spite of its name also promotes local history) are planning an event in 2024 to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Handel Cossham, the Thornbury lad who went to work in Yate, married into coal, came to own and work much of the south Gloucestershire coalfield, became a member of Parliament, applied his wealth to philanthropy, and left money to found Kingswood’s Cossham hospital. [Image from Thornbury Roots]. The next ALHA newsletter will contain a call for speakers, a request for suggested venues and topics, and an appeal for help with organising the day or half day. In the mean time, if you are interested, please contact the treasurer,
ALHA’s newest booklet, no.36, edited by Dr Jonathan Harlow, is ready. The title is Dr Edward Long Fox: Radical and mental health pioneer and the author is Dinah Moore. ELF was a physician who was active in Bristol politics, pioneered humane treatment for the insane at Brislington House, and founded a therapeutic spa on Knightstone island off Weston super mare. An order form, with a small discount for early purchases, accompanies this e-update.
This is Dinah Moore’s first ALHA booklet. She offers talks on Edward Long Fox and related subjects – there are connections with William Cookworthy and delftware and much else – but it will be some months before the next edition of ALHA’s directory of presenters is issued. DM can be contacted at

Dr Edward Long Fox - Radical and mental health pioneer
For more information and to read the full newsletter visit Newsletters | Avon Local History & Archaeology (
Winterbourne Medieval Barn Events
Winterbourne Medieval Barn is a building of national importance. Built in 1342, just a few years before the Black Death swept across England, the barn is an extraordinary survivor of our medieval past. It was commissioned by Thomas de Bradeston, who was Lord of the Manor of Winterbourne from 1328 until his death in 1360.
Community events coming up at Winterbourne Medieval Barn
Thursday 3rd November & Thursday 1 December
Tea and Tour, 2pm
Explore the magnificent medieval barn. The original 14th Century roof structure remains largely intact – a fine example of a raised-cruck construction and it appears to be one of the largest and earliest raised-cruck barns.
Wednesday 16th November
Talk : The Medieval Festivals of Britain, 7pm
Join celebrated historian, Prof Ronald Hutton for our festive lecture on Medieval Festivals, some of which may even have been held in places like The Barn.
Medieval Britain had a rich and regular calendar of major seasonal festivals, serving different human needs at different points of the year and fitted to the practical processes of the farming year.
This talk seeks to answer the questions of how many there were, and why; what their relationship was with those elsewhere in Europe; what difference Christianity made to them; and whether anything changed fundamentally in them with the coming of modernity.
This talk can also be accessed via Zoom.
Wednesday 30th November
Gaudete! Songs & Tunes of Yuletide Past, 7.30pm
600 years of festive music!
Following on from GreenMatthews ten years of successful touring Christmas shows, Gaudete! is an expanded lineup playing new and exciting arrangements. The music is lush, rich and heartwarming – perfectly evoking the Spirit of Christmas Past.
Their repertoire spans 600 years from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. Featuring Christmas carols, winter folk songs, toe-tapping tunes and a plethora of weird and wonderful instruments, Gaudete! brings the festive season to life in a riot of sound and colour!
For further details and booking see the website
Registered Charity number 1112908

Mining Yate
Yate & District Heritage Centre, Church Road, Yate, BS37 5BG
Saturday 22nd October 2022 10:30 am - Saturday 17th December 2022 4:30 pm
Mining in Yate reflects the amazing history of mining which the Yate area can boast from at least the 18th century to the 1940s.
With some of the finest artefacts from local mining collections including coal trucks, that of the South Gloucestershire Mining Research Project, we cover coal mining and Celestine (local mineral) mining and the communities which made it all happen.
For more information visit
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