Gloucestershire Archives: Passport to the Past
All sessions take place live on zoom.
The Best Toy in the World?
Wednesday 6 October, 4 - 5pm. Free of charge. Online session
For 6-13 year olds.
Bring your favourite toy to our next fun session. What do you love about your toy? Is it the best toy in the world?

In our next session, you will:
Find out about toys and games in the past. How are they different to today’s toys and games?
Discover what the best selling and most wanted toys were in 1950, 1985, 2000 and 2020
Plus we want to hear from you:
- Have a go at designing your own board game
- Vote for the best toy of the last 100 years.
If you can, please bring pens/pencils and paper for the board game activity. Scissors, coloured pens, glue and something to lean on would also be useful.
To book this talk visit Gloucestershire Archives Eventsin November....
ming in December....
Coming in December....
Yule enjoy this session focusing on Christmas traditions!
Wednesday 1 December, 4 - 5pm. Free of charge. Online session
For 6-13 year olds

Christmas is the biggest celebration of the year in some parts of the world – including Gloucestershire - and is a time for special food and the giving of presents. Traditionally it is a time for families and friends to get together – something which many people were not able to do last year.
In this session we are going to look at some of the Christmas traditions which we have records of here in the Archives. We’re also going to get crafty, including making a special Christmas garland and a traditional Christmas card for someone special. This is going to be our last session of the year, so to make it extra special please wear something festive and bring a little treat you can eat. We’re hoping to find out about your Christmas traditions: is there something special you always do at this time of year?

To book this talk visit Gloucestershire Archives Events
Other useful information about the sessions.....
Other useful information about the sessions.....
For every monthly Passport event, we create new resources which can be used during the session. These will appear on the Passport to the Past: fun activities and resources for families and schools page at least 48 hours before each event takes place giving you time to print them off. This link will also be sent to you a couple of days before the event takes place.
If you can’t print off the pages for the session, please don’t worry! We will display the pages on the screen during the event and all your child will need is a couple of pages of blank paper and a pen or pencil.
Please note that there are other pages listed as downloads which you can also print and enjoy in your own time if you want to do so.
You should receive your Zoom link as an automated message when you book on to this event (remember to press the "Book now" button once you've entered your details). If you don't, please check your junk folder. If it's not in there, please contact and we will send you a link.