Autumn update

Covid restrictions have continued to impact on the Friends’ activities over the summer months. Regrettably it seems unlikely that we will be able to resume our usual programme of talks and events until next year. We apologise to members for this but thank them most sincerely for their on-going support. An announcement about future talks and events will be made as soon as possible.
The Friends have continued to circulate a twice-yearly newsletter to members thanks to the hard work of its editor Liz Jack. And the trustees have carried on the essential business of the charity by exchange of emails and, recently, by holding one, socially distanced, face-to-face meeting.
Read the latest newsletter here
In times of pandemic it is doubly welcome to have something to celebrate. Our congratulations go to Ally McConnell on the occasion of her marriage. As well as being the archivist responsible for cataloguing the extensive collection of documents from the famous Dowty engineering company she is also the Friends’ Membership Secretary. Ally and Callum married at Gloucester Cathedral on 14 August, and we send them both our very best wishes. Ally is pictured with many of her colleagues from Gloucestershire Archives.

The Friends is the only organisation which exists specifically to support Gloucestershire Archives. To do that we depend largely on membership subscriptions. The more members we have, the more we can help the Archives. If you would like to join, or just find out more about the Friends, please explore our website: