Winter 2020

Gloucestershire Heritage Hub

Welcome to the first e-newsletter of 2020.

Congratulation to Kate O'Keefe, Engagement Manager for Older People, who for the last two years has been delivering the EVOKE project. It has been a fantastic project and we are now considering our next steps.

Kate with members of the group at their Christmas party.

Click on the photo to read Kate's article.

Nationwide Volunteering Award

On November 15th. 2019 we were delighted to welcome 80 of our volunteers to Llanthony Secunda Priory to celebrate winning the prestigious Archives and Records Association's Volunteering Award.


Click on the tab below to see more photos


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Spring newsletter copy deadline is midnight Monday 23 March 2020 Approx. 250 words with photos and a link to your own website. Delivery is late April 2020

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