We’re appy and we know it!
Archives staff have been working hard on EVOkE (Everyone Valuing Older FolKs Experience), an innovative 2 year reminiscence project to tackle memory loss and loneliness in older people. It’s one of several “projects within a project”, which contribute to the “For the Record” activity plan. Trained volunteers will deliver monthly reminiscences sessions in library clubs, care homes and other community settings using Liverpool Museum’s award winning House of Memories app.
The app will enable older people and their friends or carers to engage with photos, adverts and other memorabilia from Gloucestershire Archives collections, sparking memories and conversation. We’ve spent the past few months preparing content for a Gloucestershire “package” of around 100 images, along with digital stories, sounds and videos. Our package is now in the final stages of testing before it goes live. We’re also recruiting an Engagement Manager for Older People to lead the project’s delivery phase. S/he will deliver the initial reminiscence sessions, recruit and train volunteers and work with partners including Gloucestershire Libraries to make the project sustainable into the future.

Gloucestershire package in the House of Memories app, ready to be downloaded.