Open Garden event
The Kingsholm “Open Gardens” event on Saturday 25 June, organised by the Kingsholm &Wotton Neighbourhood Partnership, was a perfect opportunity to show off the Heritage Hub garden. Thankfully, despite a couple of heavy downpours, the weather was fine, and we were delighted to welcome over 30 people to the garden.
Photos by Phil King
Diana White, who designed the garden while a student at the Cotswold School of Gardening, joined us for the day, and brought along her original designs.

We offered refreshments in the Dunrossil Centre, along with a digital display of some royal themed documents in our collections.
Here are some lovely comments from visitors on the day:
'Stunning impact as you walk into it. Always very well kept.'
'Very welcoming and charming. Wonderful impressions.'
'Enjoyable and entertaining.'
'A nice relaxing space, not just to spend time but to meet people too.'
'Informative, well designed, re-telling Gloucestershire story in pictures and plants. Raised beds are the future of the Hub: going out from this community to the wider community! Lovely, well done x'

This got our new monthly Saturday programme off to a flying start. Read about July’s “Make & Mend” themed event that took place on Saturday 2 July here.
If you’ve missed out so far, be sure to catch “Flora & Fauna” on 6 August. HIighlights include talks on Kip prints by Anthea Jones and Wheeler’s nursery in Alvin Street by Jan Broadway, and honey tasting courtesy of the Heritage Hub bees!
More details on the Flora and Fauna events page and Heritage Hub website
Kate Maisey, Archive Development Manager