Gloucestershire Archives: Secrets Revealed
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Wednesday 24 August, 1 - 2pm. Free of charge
Gloucestershire is a rural county with lots of agriculture, country estates, woodland and many other green spaces. This presentation will look at the historical records concerning all kinds of ‘growing’ – including farming, orchards and gardening. It’s obviously impossible to cover everything so we’ll be looking at an eclectic ‘selection box’ of items so there will be something for everyone – whether you are interested in the large county estates of the landed gentry, farm accounts, local nurseries, backyard allotments, woodlands, types of apples, flower paintings, orchard pigs, ‘Dig for Victory’ or agricultural machinery.

Haymaking (GPS-69-24) Jefferies seed catalogue- Cotswold pixie sprout (d6464-5-4)
Secrets Revealed are live Zoom seminars that bring together a community of people with a shared interest in history, heritage, culture and their importance in today’s world.
For more information and to book, visit Gloucestershire Archives Events
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