Inspiring Women:
The Legacy of the First World War in South Gloucestershire
South Gloucestershire Council Cultural Services has been awarded funding by the Heritage Lottery Fund for a project: Inspiring Women: The Legacy of the First World War in South Gloucestershire. The project will explore and share personal stories of South Gloucestershire’s women to demonstrate how the First World War impacted on their lives through the last century, up to and including the present day.
The story of women’s history in South Gloucestershire will include the role women have played in the development of our distinctive local industries: farming, engineering and aeronautical and women’s achievements in culture and politics. The project will celebrate the extension of the franchise to women with the UK Representation of the People Act 1918. We will aim to inspire women from all walks of life, promoting an understanding of the legacy and value of the women from the First World War onwards and how this has influenced our lives today.
Vote for your Inspiring Woman of South Gloucestershire.
Help us to obtain information about the most inspiring women in South Gloucestershire from the First World War up to the present day by supplying the project with information.
For a nomination form please contact Jane Marley, Museums and Heritage Officer, South Gloucestershire Council

Throughout the project, South Gloucestershire will work with South Gloucestershire Museums Group, South Gloucestershire Heritage Partners, Gloucestershire Heritage Hub, Gloucestershire Archives, Gloucestershire Police Archives, Imperial War Museum and University of Hertfordshire and University of West of England Humanities Research Council First World War Engagement Centre 'Everyday Lives in War'.