'Green Pledge' update
The Green Pledge Project is now well underway. We are so pleased to welcome two more team members to the project this month: Marion Hill is our Community Learning and Outreach Officer and will be creating archive-inspired, sustainability themed, events and exhibitions. Ethan Langfield is our new archives’ apprentice. As well as learning the ropes throughout the archives, he will work specifically with the Green Pledge Project, helping with research and creating guides and toolkits.

Ethan, Marion, Christina, Jenny and Hannah, aka the Green Team
The Green Pledge Project has a broad range of elements, including:
Sustainability-themed events inspired by our county’s heritage.
- Travelling exhibitions
- Oral histories, recording the stories of local environmentalists
- Bringing new environmental records into our collection and cataloguing existing ones
- Monthly podcasts and a collection of films
- Putting our own house in order with an environmental audit and action plan.- read our 'Greening the Hub' piece to find out how are making our building more sustainable
- A range of volunteering roles including; researching the archives, cataloguing, adding to Know Your Place maps, helping at events, gardening in our wildlife-rich community garden
Would you like to get involved with the project? We are currently holding consultations to find out what local people and groups think we should include. Are there aspects of local environmental history we should know about? Which environmental themes do people think we should focus on? Who are the people who have been involved in the environmental movement (locally and nationally) that we should interview?
If you are interested in being part of the consultation or the volunteer programme please do get in touch with our project officer Hannah.Basnett@gloucestershire.gov.uk

Two of our community raised beds