Paul Barnett of the Purton Hulks Trust reveals the history of the Sharpness Shipbreakers. Discover this fascinating part of Severn industrial life with Paul.
£2 admission or free for Friends of YHC. Booking essential. Funded by Friends of YHC. Venue to be confirmed nearer the date.
John Reid discusses the fascinating subject of some of the amazing funerary monuments devoted to Gloucestershire people throughout the centuries.
£2 admission or free for Friends of YHC. Booking essential. Funded by Friends of YHC.
Tuesday, June 28, 2022 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Yate lecture Series presents the talk "Village life in the Great War" with Rose Hewlett. Renowned historian Rose Hewlett charts the social history of the Severn villages during this dramatic period.
£2 admission or free for Friends of YHC. Booking essential. Funded by Friends of YHC.
Tuesday, July 19, 2022 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Winterbourne Medieval Barn

Talk : Vernacular Buildings in South Glos - Tuesday 26th April, 7pm

Architectural Historian Linda Hall looks at the historic building styles and materials of houses in southern Gloucestershire, both town and country, from medieval times to the 17th century.
Tickets £7.50 to come in person or watch the livestream on Zoom. Free parking on site.
Tea and Tours - First Thursday of each month, 2pm

Enjoy a cup of tea and a short talk about the history of the Medieval Barn, and then explore the recently renovated West Barn and the rest of the site.
Book via the website. Tickets £7.50
To see all Winterbourne Barn activities visit