Gloucestershire Heritage Hub

Zoom Boom!

We’ve sometimes had to look hard to find the silver lining this year, but as always our volunteers have come up trumps and helped us stay productive - and sane. ‘If you want something done, ask a busy person’ as the saying goes: many volunteers have been beavering away on tasks they can do for us from home, and balancing this with all the other extraordinary things they do in their lives.

We started our catch-up meetings for volunteers on Zoom in May during the first lockdown, and we are now on our third ‘round’. The catch-ups mainly have a social purpose, allowing people to get together for a chat/moan/laugh/all of the above. Even in the gloomiest of times, this excellent tribe have brought cheer and enthusiasm to us on a weekly basis. They’ve also solved a few puzzles for us along the way. We’ve come to look forward to Wednesday afternoons as a highlight in our week.

We currently have around 15 volunteers who regularly meet up, but there is room for more and we’d love you to join. They take place on Wednesday afternoons, starting at 2pm and are usually about an hour long. You don’t have to commit to coming every week, or to staying for the whole hour: the idea is to dip in and out as you choose.

If you’d like to join, but are unsure about Zoom, we can probably help. Please call us on 01452 425295 during office hours or email us at

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