Gloucestershire Heritage Hub

Friends of Gloucestershire Archives - Talks and visits


 'After 180 years what do you expect me to do with that?'

Afternoon talk at Gloucestershire Heritage Hub, Alvin Row, GL1 3DW

Talk by Sue Webb, the force Archivist, Gloucestershire Constabulary Archives.

2.30pm - tea and biscuits

3 - 4pm - talk and questions

Members of FoGA - Free

Visitors - £3

Any queries? Contact 

WEDNESDAY 4 MARCH, afternoon

Afternoon visit to The Museum in the Park, Stroud

Talk by the collections officer: ‘Meet the Curators Past and Present’

Opportunity to explore the museum displays, walled garden and temporary exhibition ‘Endangered and Extinct’

Visit to the museum stores and archives.  Tea and Cakes.

APRIL/MAY – dates and details to follow

Gloucestershire’s influential 20th-century craftspeople.  Proposed talk and visits


Mystery Tour

Another of historian John Chandler’s fascinating all-day coach tours –

Where will it be in 2020?  Trust him, join us and find out!

Pick ups in Cheltenham and Gloucester.

Watch for more information on FoGA’s notice board in The Heritage Hub

Visit the website for further details and booking forms  

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