Volunteers' Tea Party
1st December 2018
We were thrilled that so many of our wonderful volunteers could join us for a festive tea-party on 1st December. For us it was an opportunity to say ‘thank you’ for all their time, dedication, skill and patience with our ongoing refurbishments. Among many other things, last year volunteers helped us to:
- catalogue and care for some of our collections
- raise our profile on social media
- provide ‘EVOKE’ reminiscence sessions in venues across Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire
- add World War 1 information into Know Your Place, the award winning digital mapping resource
Many members of staff stepped up to the plate (literally) to provide delicious cakes - giving rise to the traditional cry ‘We’ll never eat all this lot!’ As always, people rose to this challenge and came back for just one more wafer-thin slice until just crumbs and a few neglected clementines remained. Kate Maisey took anyone who could still move on a spritely ‘behind-the-scenes’ tour, and John Putley entertained the crowd with his talk about ‘Christmas at the Archives. John’s talk featured The Most Depressing Christmas Card of All Time, and many other treasures from our collections. Kate O’Keefe set a fiendish quiz called ‘Proper Gloucester or Great Imposter’- she’s promised to make it a bit easier next time!