Gloucestershire Local History Association
Summer Events 2022
Celebrating a return to normal gatherings, GLHA arranged two successful events in May and June.
The Local History Day was held at the University of Gloucestershire which provided excellent accommodation for the speakers, history displays and over 90 participants from across the County. The theme of the Day was The History of Education in Gloucestershire and talks by four speakers included a variety of topics from Education in the Middle Ages to Stroud Technical School for Girls. Fifteen local history groups and organisations brought displays, information stands and bookstalls. A buffet lunch was enjoyed by all.

Painswick Local History Society won the prize for the best display. Click here to see the display in full.
The Day also included the announcement of the 2021 Bryan Jerrard Award, the winner of which was Nigel Spry, (pictured right) for his article, ‘In Memoriam: Gloucester’s Nineteenth Century Cholera Epidemics’, published in Glevensis 53.
The Summer Afternoon Meeting was hosted by Cheltenham Local History Society at St Andrew’s United Reformed Church in Montpellier. The afternoon included a choice of three different walks or two talks. The theme of the afternoon was Cheltenham’s Trade and Industry and included an extensive display on local shops and businesses. Over 80 members of local history groups attended and enjoyed the opportunity to meet others from different groups while taking part in the activities and the delicious afternoon tea at the end of the day.
One of the walks looked at two hundred years of trading history around Suffolk Parade and Suffolk Road. Other options included The Wilsons of Cheltenham and the famous landmarks around Montpellier.
The talks covered the history of shops and the story of Whitbread’s brewery in Cheltenham.