Make and Mend
The “Make & Mend” themed event took place on Saturday 2 July and was the first of the Heritage Hub themed events taking place the first Saturday of each month. The next Saturday event is Flora and Fauna on Saturday 6 August.
David and Will Hart, Freemen of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, gave a fascinating talk on the Hart Silversmiths. David and Will brought along examples of their work and explained the processes involved when making silverware. Alongside the talk there was a display of documents from the archives.

The day included a pop up repair shop, local artists demonstrating their work and archives staff getting crafty.
The Women's Institute had a stall showing their history and Gloucestershire Family History Centre was open and included a book stall.
A good day was had by all.
To find out more about the Saturday events visit Saturday events 2022 - Heritage Hub