Gloucestershire Archives accessions
This blog was posted by Rhianna Watson and gives details of accessions made in April - June 2022.
It is time for our second quarterly blog looking at accessions we have recently received at Gloucestershire Archives. These can be from any place, person or organisation in Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire.
This quarter we have added 94 new accessions onto our online catalogue. This includes material relating to both Gloucestershire County Council and South Gloucestershire Councils response to Covid-19, hundreds of Magistrate Court registers, material from the former Chair of Stroud Local History Society Philip Walmsley and much more!
Find a full list of accessions for this quarter in the downloadable PDF on the blog page Gloucestershire Archives accessions, April-June 2022 | Gloucestershire Archives (
Some items within these collections may be closed in accordance with the Data Protection Act and/or if they contain sensitive information. However you can find details of all the accessions, and further information if they have been catalogued, by visiting our website Online Catalogue – Gloucestershire Archives.
For accessions made in the previous quarter visit Gloucestershire Archives accessions, January-March 2022 | Gloucestershire Archives (