Gloucestershire Heritage Hub

Thank you to our funders, part 2

In this edition, we’d like to thank Arts Council England

Gloucestershire Archives is delighted to have received funding from Arts Council England to work with 5 artists, creating original artwork for the new Heritage Hub.

This collaboration of heritage and art will bring together the local community, members of the Gloucestershire Heritage Hub network and our partners with the artists to create beautiful, eye-catching public artworks that tell the story of Gloucestershire’s history.

The five artists are Imogen Harvey-Lewis an illustrator, Julia O’Connell, a textile artist, Natasha Houseago, a sculptor and TomatoJack Arts who are mosaic artists.

 Click on the images below to read more about the artists and see examples of their work.



          Imogen Harvey-Lewis                                  Julia O'Connell                              Natasha Houseago              TomatoJack          


The artist activity will continue until July 2018.

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