Gloucestershire Heritage Hub

Collections Care training

Collections Care staff have recently run several training sessions. These training sessions piloted some of our new Heritage Hub training modules.

Training on the 5 February was titled ‘Keeping: Safe Use – Handling and preparation for digitisation’

Training on the 8 March was titled ‘Keeping: Collection care and protection’ and was for volunteers from Painswick.

Both sessions included –

  • What is Collection Care?

With the 5 February session also including -

  • How do we prevent damage? This included a look at the 10 agents of deterioration and handling guidelines.
  • How do we prepare items for digitisation? Here we looked at materials and formats and their impact on image capture, condition checking and if it needs the attention of a conservator, and preparation of documents for imaging.

And the 8 March session included –

  • How do we prevent damage? We touched on risk assessment and the prioritisation of actions.
  • How do we store and protect items? This focused on storage furniture, understanding and sourcing archival quality materials, and using protective enclosures.

Each session took place over a day with participants able to buy their lunch at Roots, the lovely community café just around the corner from Archives, in Alvin Street.

‘Carole Maxwell (Gloucestershire Local History Association) said how much they enjoyed and appreciated the training you delivered recently.  She said it had really inspired them, and they had gone straight back and said to the Town Clerk that they know exactly what they needed.’




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