Gloucestershire Heritage Hub

Passport to the Past: Making Sense of the Census

Grab your passport, pack your luggage and press the button to travel back in time in this interactive after (home) school club.

Wednesday 3 March, 4 - 5pm. Free of charge.


This month we time travel back to when the first ever Census was conducted, learn how things have changed over the years and the significance of the 2021 Census.

  • What is a Census?
  • Why were they important?
  • How does the Census of today differ from those of the past?
  • What happens to my data and privacy once I complete the Census?
  • Who was living in Buckingham Palace in 1841?
  • What can the Census tell me about the (modern) world that I live in?

Find out the answers to these, and many more questions in these interactive Zoom sessions where you’ll meet other people, hear from experts and enjoy fun activities you can either do during the club, or in your own time afterwards. Plus, you’ll learn how to make your own Census so that people in the future can find out more about you.

If you are aged 8 – 13 and enjoy history and what it can tell us about today’s world, don’t miss this monthly online after school club! You’ll meet, talk to, and have lots of real time fun experienced session leaders from Gloucestershire Archives as they lead you on an hour-long adventure into the past.

To book your place visit the Gloucestershire Archives website

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