Calling Champions
Become a volunteer Community Champion in connection with the city-wide art exhibition Of Earth and Sky curated by international artist Luke Jerram and Gloucester poet JDPL.
There are two ways in which you can get involved.
- Volunteer to help with the installation and marshalling of the exhibition
- Become part of the installation team creating the artworks on the 20th – 23rd August, helping to steward key exhibits from the opening on 24th August, record the number of people visiting the artworks or helping to complete evaluation forms with visitors.
- Help to create enjoyment experiences in connection with the artworks so that others can enjoy too
- Come together each week on Zoom throughout the two-month exhibition to share their stories and play an active role in encouraging as many people to enjoy the exhibition as possible. The Champion role can be shaped entirely to work with the availability of each individual.
“We are looking for people to have some real fun with the project” Says Beckie Smith, Champions Co-ordinator for Of Earth and Sky. “Explorers, adventurers, creative people, and keep fit enthusiasts who want to have fun on their own, fun with their family or fun with a socially distanced friend.”
You can have fun in any way that you choose. Ideas might include:
- Creating a selection of tours that people could enjoy, for example the Coffee Shop tour, the historic tour, the buggy friendly tour, the accessible tours, the mid-week runners tour or the pub crawl tour
- Inputting ideas into the 50 Things To Do with Of Earth and Sky activity sheet which will be available to download throughout the tour, for example, creating twig/leaf/stone art at the sites, log rolling down a hill, or remaking your favourite art-work from recycling at home
- Setting HIT CLASS challenges in connection with the exhibition pieces, for example 20 push-ups at each artwork, 20 squats at each artwork
- The watercolour challenge, where hobby artists sit beside the artworks and paint the view that they see from each one
- Mindfulness Moments where Champions compile a series of mindfulness moments in connection with each artwork
- Poets Corner, where the poetry represented in each artwork acts as a stimulus for other pieces of creative writing
- Or any number of other activities that Champion themselves are able to imagine

You and the team will help create material for everyone to enjoy, follow, respond to, and inspired to add to it themselves.
If you want to join a community of people who appreciate the benefits of being outdoors and value the benefits that culture can have on the city, becoming a Champion is for you.
Simply visit Of Earth and Sky, visit and click on the Community Champions button to register your interest. You will be contacted by a member of the team during the week commencing Monday 24th August to start getting involved.