80 Years, 80 Photos, 80 Stories
Local history enthusiast, Rick Jordan, is keen to create a project to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of both V E Day and V J Day in 2025. The project would be called "80 Years, 80 Photos, 80 Stories - Life on the Home Front".

The first aim of this project would be to select 80 photos taken on The Home Front during World War 2, and to discover the stories behind them. Details might include where the photo was taken, what event was being recorded, the names of the people in the photo and their stories of life during the war and afterwards. Rick is looking for any photos, including those already published in books or online which may not have the full story behind them.
The second aim would be to display the photos and their stories as an exhibition somewhere within Gloucester City. For example at the Gloucestershire Heritage Hub, The Folk of Gloucester Museum, The Soldiers of Gloucester Museum, the County Library Service and anywhere else interested in the project. 
Do you have any photos of life on the Home Front during World War 2, that you would like to contribute to the project? Ideally with as much detail about the photos as you can find.
For more information and to offer help with the project, please phone Rick Jordan on 01453 822936 or 07518020321 or email rickjordan455@gmail.com
Visit Rick's Facebook page to find out more https://www.facebook.com/groups/1041471074102122