Gloucestershire Heritage Hub

A source of sauce in the Heritage Hub garden

A large part of the Green Pledge Project currently happening at Gloucestershire Archives involves people connecting to nature, taking note of their environmental surroundings and consequently, in our case, developing the beautiful space that we are so lucky to have - the Heritage Hub garden. Our growing project here - Grow with Wiggly is going from strength to strength.   As we move into the autumn season Project Grow and Wiggly Charity have collaborated on a new project Social Source. 

At the start of 2024, these two organisations teamed up to grow vegetables in the Gloucestershire Heritage Hub community garden for use in  Wiggly cookery courses. However, as our project flourished, we realised that this activity had the potential to deliver even more social impact.  We have now created a range of fresh sauces for sale, with all profits feeding into Project Grow CIC and Wiggly Charity. Volunteers grow and harvest our products in Gloucester and  the sauces are handmade into small batches of seasonal deliciousness by our Wiggly Chef in Gloucester. Our vision is  to expand Social Source to support our growing projects and cookery classes so that we can empower and upskill  vulnerable people of all ages and abilities and offer employability opportunities in our kitchens and the garden.

Our first two products are a Mulberry Dessert Sauce, made with fruit harvested from the Bishop of Gloucester’s garden and a Tomato and Basil Pasta Sauce, which uses some of the tomatoes grown in the Heritage Hub garden. Both are available via our Crowdfunder, which we have set up to support the development of a sustainable income stream. You can get on board and show your love for Social Source by signing up for one of a selection of rewards at and search for Social Source.

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