Avon Local History and Archaeology
ALHA’s local history day 2017 will be held at UWE Frenchay on Saturday 22 April. The topic will be The Street, broadly interpreted. Streets are so much an everyday feature of ordinary life that we tend to take them for granted. They differ in their origins, in how they have changed over the years, in how we and our predecessors have used them, what part they have played in people’s lives, how they looked (to artists as well as users) and how the look of them has changed. Streets have had their ups and downs, not just physically but also in how people have regarded them socially.
Our speakers, from different parts of our area, will look at various aspects of streets at different dates in different places and over different periods of time, and will outline their changes, visually, environmentally and socially. Presenters include -
Pat Hase on Weston-super-Mare High Street;
John Chandler on Chipping Sodbury;
Mike Manson on Old Market, Bristol;
Peter Malpass on Corn Street;
Jenny Gaschke on the Braikenridge street views; and
Steve Poole on policing street disorder.
For further information: www.alha.org.uk; William Evans, Tel, ans and fax 0117 968 4979. wm.evans@btopenworld.com