The Dowty Project
Still in its very early days, the Dowty Heritage Project is looking to gather memories from former employees and other people with a connection to Dowty. We already have some willing interviewees lined up and are in the process of arranging suitable times for chats. We would like to hear from others too, as this will help us to create a more comprehensive record of the firm's social history. So please email if you'd like to take part. Meantime, we're pleased that two new volunteers have come on board to help with interviewing and are arranging for them to receive training soon.
We'll be adding these spoken histories to the extensive Dowty archive, which is held at Gloucestershire Archives. And once the new onsite Heritage Hub is up and running we'll be working with a project archivist to catalogue this important collection, which was rescued from destruction over 20 years ago after a takeover of Dowty in the early nineties. We'll also be on the lookout for other documented memorabilia about Dowty eg things that retired employees might be looking after personally. We'd like to make sure this is well looked after and to share the hidden histories that emerge, and we'll be working with Archives staff to help make this a reality.