Gloucestershire Heritage Hub

Farewell to James Hodsdon

We were very sad to hear of the unexpected death of Dr James Hodsdon last Thursday morning.


James was a regular visitor to Gloucestershire Archives over many years, former chair of the Friends of Gloucestershire Archives, a key member of the fundraising group raising significant funds for the ‘For the Record’ archives transformation project, notable local historian, and very dedicated and generous volunteer to many Gloucestershire heritage organisations, most notably Gloucestershire County History Trust. He devoted significant time and energy into fundraising, overseeing the work of freelance researchers and generally ensuring Gloucestershire Victoria County History work goes from strength to strength. He was a very wise, kind, generous gentleman (in the true sense of the word), whose diplomatic skills were an inspiration to many of us. I personally learnt a tremendous amount from him in so many ways and will always be grateful for that. 

His contribution to archives and local history in Gloucestershire has been enormous, and he will be very much missed both for this and his warm personality and friendship.   We will publish a full tribute in our next newsletter. Meanwhile we extend our sincere condolences to his wife Judie and his family. 

Heather Forbes, County Archivist.

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