Victoria County History
Since mid-October last year, the Victoria County History team (in collaboration with the University of the West of England, and supported by Gloucestershire Archives) have been running twice monthly workshops on aspects of local history. These have proved incredibly popular, attracting audiences of around 40 people each time.
The workshops continue until the beginning of March so there is still time to get involved.
- 31 Jan: MOVEMENT AND MIGRATION: roads, canals and railways – the study of population, including settlement shift and desertion – migration, immigration – women’s lives under-represented - drift from countryside to town.
- 14 Feb: COMMUNITY, SOCIETY AND WELFARE: caring for the poor, sick and elderly – local and national justice – bringing up and educating children – social activities, legal and illegal, moral and immoral.
- 28 Feb: WORKING LIVES: farming the land – rural and urban trades and industries – labour relations and conflicts – restoring the balance between male and female work.
- 14 Mar: THE INFLUENCE OF RELIGION: ubiquity of the medieval church – monasteries and chantries – effect of the reformation – puritans and nonconformists – Victorian religiosity and its aftermath.
PLEASE NOTE - If you are having difficulties booking onto a particular session, it may be because it has reached capacity. If this happens, please contact in case a place becomes available. The sessions may be repeated at a later date if there is enough demand.