Gloucestershire Family History Society
Programme of online talks, 2023
All the talks are free and we welcome non-GFHS members. We use the Zoom platform; the talks start at 7.30pm (UK time) and finish around 9pm.
Please visit the GFHS website for more information and to book a seat.
Wednesday 8 February @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Speaker: Ben Nicholls
Title/topic: Bringing your family history to life, based on Ben’s own research
Wednesday 8 March @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Speaker: David Evans
Title/topic: The ancient schools of Gloucester.
This illustrated talk will outline the many different types of schools that existed in Gloucester before the advent of 19th century state education.
Wednesday 12 April @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Speaker: Helen Baggott
Title/topic: Posted in the past - stories behind early 20th century postcards.
Based on the books Posted in the Past and Posted in the Past Second Delivery, this talk reveals the true stories behind postcards sent in the early years of the 20th century.
Later in the year.....
Wednesday 3 May - note the change of date
Speaker: Janet Few
Title/topic: Putting your ancestors in their place - 10 steps to a one place study
Wednesday 14 June
Speaker: Jackie Depelle
Title/topic: Bridging the gap - tracing forwards from 1921
Online Events
Any member who has a computer, tablet or smart phone, is able to join in using Zoom via a link that we will send you. You do not need a Zoom account. We will send you the specific link to join the event a day or so before.
If you have not joined one of our talks before and would like to attend please email