Police update
Because of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll the long awaited Force Open Day was postponed.
The archives website marked Her Majesty’s long association with Gloucestershire as well as providing a display at Police Headquarters.
The Queen at Gloucester Cathedral 17th April 2003 for distribution of Maundy Money. (Gloucestershire Police Archives URN 10764-81)
To see the display visit gloucestershirepolicearchives.org.uk
Although we continue to receive queries in the office and through the website (around 40 since the last newsletter) we have been to fewer events as we were concentrating on updating our displays and photograph albums for the Open Day. Since the last one we have had a new Police and Crime Commissioner and a pandemic as well as several major incidents so it has all taken a lot of updating.
During the summer we went to an event at Kemble on the airfield

There was a military theme so we took out a display of the Police officers killed during the world wars as well as the officers who were killed on duty and officers who were awarded the Silver Braid. It was a wet day and although the displays suffered, a good time was had by all.
Before the end of the school holiday we were very lucky to have a group of Police Cadets come to the heritage Hub and help us to move our documents. The documents had been spread over 4 strong rooms at the furthest point from the Chester Master room. Now all our documents are together in one place much more accessible from the office. Thank you to the cadets who turned up during their holiday to help.
The cadets also visited a care home to visit Ron Smith a police pensioner. He also sends his memories into the police archives with the help of Elaine.

We have a busy autumn ahead with talks booked in October for Thornbury Rotary , Stroud Local History Society and Newent Local History Society and in November there will be talks in Gloucester for Footlights. We are always happy to give talks which are written to link with the area we are talking in.
If you have any photographs we are always happy to receive Jpegs via gloucestershirepolicearchives@gmail.com and queries can also be sent to the same address.

...is usually open Monday to Wednesday until 2.30 but it is worth checking before you make a visit as we do go out and about quite often.
Visit the website gloucestershirepolicearchives.org.uk