Shared history
Meeting up with family as many of us have been lucky enough to do over this lovely summer often sparks (or renews) an interest in a shared history. However it can be difficult to know how to make sense of all those odd memories, stories and half-truths that come to light on these occasions. There’s a mystery somewhere in most families and getting to the bottom of this can be an exciting experience - ideal for the cold winter days.
This is where we in GFHS come in! Our Family History Centre in the Heritage Hub is staffed by experienced and enthusiastic volunteers who are delighted to work with you to untangle the knottiest of problems. Our Centre has subscriptions and free access to many online sources such as Ancestry, Find My Past, FamilySearch and the British Newspaper Library. These sources cover both the UK and countries abroad, so you’re not restricted to tracing a family with local Gloucestershire roots.
You don’t even have to research your own family. Some of our volunteers are involved with the Cathedral Quarter project here in Gloucester so they’re investigating some of the many families who lived in Westgate Street, one of the main streets in the city centre, over the last 500 years. Some amazing stories have come to light as you’d expect. However the research experience itself is very rewarding and it is great to have fellow enthusiasts nearby to share your successes or offer help (or sympathy) if you hit a brick wall.
You could start your own ‘House Through Time’ or, if you’re ambitious, ‘Street Through Time’ project to find out more about the individuals who lived in your home or community. We can help you do this - just drop into the Centre and make a start.
You can find out more about GFHS and what we can offer you on our website

The Family History Centre is open Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday
Sessions can be booked in the morning (10:00 – 12:30 ) and afternoon(13:30 – 16:00)
The Centre is also open on Heritage Hub “Saturday Event” days (usually 1st Saturday in the month)
For more details visit Family History Centre – Gloucestershire Family History Society (