Voices Gloucester
Flashback Foods - The Film
Friday 4 November, 6 - 7pm. Free event
Picturedrome, Barton Street, Gloucester
Photo credit Clare Bebbington
Using the delicious dripping cake, or Gloucester Drip as some here would say, we explore the living histories of local peoples with this sweet treat and what this means to the community now. Some definite food for thought…”
On Gloucester Day, we gave away over 500 dripping cakes and invited people to share their stories with us – we were overwhelmed with the enthusiasm and collective love for the humble cake.
Join our Young Producer Dan Farmer- Patel to hear more about the wonderful memories shared with us at Gloucester Day, and to think about how much the food we eat and share shapes our own stories. Drips may or may not be available on the night!
Queer City Voices
Wednesday 16 November, 7 - 10pm. Free event
St Mary de Crypt Church, Southgate St, Gloucester GL1 2DR

Sung Exhibition from Gloucestershire’s first LGBTQ+ choir “Queer Voices Gloucestershire”. The Gloucester based rainbow singing group will showcase a variety of acapella songs from the LGBTQ+ and civil rights movements, traditional folk and contemporary genres. Including original compositions from director Zora McDonald, photo exhibits and solo performances, delivered from members of the local LGTBQ+ community. Bringing the old, the new, traditional, modern and diverse together for an evening of rousing, tranquil and uplifting harmony.
Screening of LGTBQ Nightlife in Gloucester – A film celebrating lesbian spaces: places to gather, to be liberated, to think and connect. A 6–10-minute experimental film. People walk into a lesbian club in 1988, shedding their skins and becoming creature-like. A mix of DIY costume, vfx make up and animation. A visual film, capturing the energy and the togetherness felt in those rooms. Specifically, the film speaks on the LGBTQ scene in small towns. For this project, the contributors will be from Gloucestershire.
Free admission – book via Eventbrite
For more information visit the Voices Gloucester website