Gloucestershire Archives: Secrets Revealed
Wednesday 26 October, 1 - 2pm. Free of charge
Military History
Military archives held by Gloucestershire Archives are considerable in volume and wide ranging in content. The term “military” has been widely interpreted. It includes military material of an archive nature transferred from the Gloucestershire Collection into the archives.
The records relate to almost every conflict that Great Britain has been involved in, from the Wars of the Roses in the 1400s to Civil Defence planning in the 1970s. They include records of Gloucestershire’s regular, militia, volunteer and Territorial Army units, the Royal Navy, Merchant Navy and Royal Air Force.
As well as official records, they comprise personal military experiences of individuals in letters and diaries, as well as local government planning relating to civil defence and military buildings. In this presentation we will be cherry picking some of the most interesting items, to try and bring a flavour of just how extensive our military collections are.
for more information and to book visit Gloucestershire Archives Events
This monthly series of leisurely lunchtime learning sessions are great for those who are new to learning about the past and for those passionate about history, keen to expand their knowledge on a given subject in a focused session.
Led by experts at Gloucestershire Archives they are easy to digest, laced with humour and full of headline facts and context information ready to unlock an the secrets of a time gone by.
Secrets Revealed are live Zoom seminars that bring together a community of people with a shared interest in history, heritage, culture and their importance in today’s world.
You should receive your Zoom link as an automated message when you book on to this event (remember to press the "Book now" button once you've entered your details). If you don't, please check your junk folder. If it's not in there, please contact and we will send you a link.

Gloucester History Festival - Winstone Talk
Invasion: Edward III & The Hundred Years’ War
Dan Jones
Saturday 29 October 2022
6.30-7.30pm Cirencester Parish Church, Market Place, Cirencester £10
Leading historian and broadcaster Dan Jones tells the extraordinary story of the first years of the Hundred Years’ War from Edward lll’s dramatic invasion of Normandy to the 1346 Battle of Crécy – one of the most crucial conflicts in England’s history – explored in his new novel Essex Dogs.
Immortalised by Shakespeare’s Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt, the Hundred Years’ War set the course of Anglo-French relations for centuries and had a profound influence on medieval Britain and the English throne. Bestselling historian and broadcaster Dan Jones tells the extraordinary story of the first years of the war from Edward III’s dramatic invasion of Normandy, culminating in the 1346 Battle of Crecy – one of the most significant conflicts in England’s history and the first time longbows were used in a large scale battle – explored in his new book Essex Dogs.

For more information and to book tickets visit
Or call or visit in person Cirencester Visitor Information Centre Tel: 01285 654180

Local History Research
Great news for anyone interested in local history.

The Victoria County History (VCH), in partnership with the Regional History Centre (RHC) of the University of the West of England, and Gloucestershire Archives, are offering local history research workshops. Workshops will run fortnightly in the Heritage Hub’s Dunrossil Centre, from 9.30am – 1.00pm.
Each workshop is on a different topic, and will be led by historians, the VCH and RHC. You can choose to do as many or as few as you like.
Each workshop will divide into two sessions with a refreshment break. Tutoring and discussion will be led by historians from VCH and UWE in a friendly and informal atmosphere.
Open to all, whether you are a beginner or have research experience, £10 per workshop.
Concessions: free to VCH volunteers and RHC members, two free sessions of choice for archive volunteers and FOGA members.
Advance booking recommended. Local History Workshops - Heritage hub
Please note: this provisional syllabus may be amended as the course progresses, so please check this website before you plan to attend individual sessions.
- 1 Nov: THE LOCAL HISTORIAN’S TOOLBOX: key resources. Online – Ancestry, British Newspaper Archive, Historical Directories, BHO/VCH. Printed sources – record series, journals. Archival sources – by creator (local govt, diocese, parish, estate, etc).
- 15 Nov: THE HISTORY OF THE LANDSCAPE: landscape archaeology – maps – place-names – archaeological resources (HERs) – aerial photography and Lidar.
15 November - we’re expanding number of spaces available as this session is already fully booked.
- 29 Nov: THE HISTORY OF BUILDINGS: examining and describing buildings – vernacular and polite architecture – modern and recent buildings and housing – special types of building (religious, industrial, civic, etc) – documentary sources and techniques
- 13 Dec: WORKING WITH DOCUMENTS: palaeogaphy and techniques of reading documents – Latin – identifying and understanding different types of deeds, manorial records, parish records etc.
- 17 Jan 2023: OWNERSHIP AND GOVERNMENT: landownership – feudal tenures and manorial descent – manorial courts and control – development of the vestry and parish responsibilities – proliferation of local authorities and their functions.
- 31 Jan: MOVEMENT AND MIGRATION: roads, canals and railways – the study of population, including settlement shift and desertion – migration, immigration – women’s lives under-represented - drift from countryside to town.
- 14 Feb: COMMUNITY, SOCIETY AND WELFARE: caring for the poor, sick and elderly – local and national justice – bringing up and educating children – social activities, legal and illegal, moral and immoral.
- 28 Feb: WORKING LIVES: farming the land – rural and urban trades and industries – labour relations and conflicts – restoring the balance between male and female work.
- 14 Mar: THE INFLUENCE OF RELIGION: ubiquity of the medieval church – monasteries and chantries – effect of the reformation – puritans and nonconformists – Victorian religiosity and its aftermath.
John Chandler (convenor) (
Local History Workshops - Heritage hub

Voices Gloucester
Flashback Foods - The Film
Friday 4 November, 6 - 7pm. Free event
Picturedrome, Barton Street, Gloucester
Photo credit Clare Bebbington
Using the delicious dripping cake, or Gloucester Drip as some here would say, we explore the living histories of local peoples with this sweet treat and what this means to the community now. Some definite food for thought…”
On Gloucester Day, we gave away over 500 dripping cakes and invited people to share their stories with us – we were overwhelmed with the enthusiasm and collective love for the humble cake.
Join our Young Producer Dan Farmer- Patel to hear more about the wonderful memories shared with us at Gloucester Day, and to think about how much the food we eat and share shapes our own stories. Drips may or may not be available on the night!
Queer City Voices
Wednesday 16 November, 7 - 10pm. Free event
St Mary de Crypt Church, Southgate St, Gloucester GL1 2DR

Sung Exhibition from Gloucestershire’s first LGBTQ+ choir “Queer Voices Gloucestershire”. The Gloucester based rainbow singing group will showcase a variety of acapella songs from the LGBTQ+ and civil rights movements, traditional folk and contemporary genres. Including original compositions from director Zora McDonald, photo exhibits and solo performances, delivered from members of the local LGTBQ+ community. Bringing the old, the new, traditional, modern and diverse together for an evening of rousing, tranquil and uplifting harmony.
Screening of LGTBQ Nightlife in Gloucester – A film celebrating lesbian spaces: places to gather, to be liberated, to think and connect. A 6–10-minute experimental film. People walk into a lesbian club in 1988, shedding their skins and becoming creature-like. A mix of DIY costume, vfx make up and animation. A visual film, capturing the energy and the togetherness felt in those rooms. Specifically, the film speaks on the LGBTQ scene in small towns. For this project, the contributors will be from Gloucestershire.
Free admission – book via Eventbrite
For more information visit the Voices Gloucester website

Military History in association with the Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum
Saturday 5 November, 1 - 4pm. Free of charge. Free parking on site
Gloucestershire Heritage Hub, Alvin Street, GL1 3DW

A special focus event on the military history of our county.
Talk at 1.30pm:
‘The Glosters in Burma’ by Lt Col (Retd) Rob Dixon, a former commanding officer of The Glosters, based on research from unpublished documents held by The Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum. Describes the Gloucestershire Regiment’s Burma Campaign in the Second World War, from 1944 to the end.
Contributions from:
- Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum
- The Royal British Legion
- The Western Front Association
Discover more about the collection of World War One military appeal tribunals, held at Gloucestershire Archives
Do you have relatives who have served in the Armed Forces? Come and speak to volunteers at the Gloucestershire Family History Society to find out more.
Booking is recommended to avoid disappointment.
A special focus event on the military history of our county, with contributions from:
For information visit Saturday events 2022 - Gloucestershire Archives

Gloucestershire Family History Society will be open during the day from 10am-4pm. Please see for further details.
Gloucestershire Archives: Secrets Revealed
Anything that moves!
Wednesday 23 November, 1 - 2pm. Free of charge
It’s all aboard the archives as this month’s presentation will be on the subject of transport!

We hope to include an example or two of literally anything that has moved in the county of Gloucestershire throughout history. We’ll look at horses, boats, barges, ships, carts, stage coaches, traction engines, tractors, motorcycles, cars, charabancs, buses, lorries, trains, trams, air balloons, gliders, aeroplanes and even a space ship!! All this activity has dramatically changed the county as well with the growth of all the different types of infrastructure that transport has required from tracks, roads, canals, docks, railways and airports.
Delving into the county’s archives we hope that we can demonstrate all these transport types and the changes that they have brought, as well as providing some interesting and thought provoking information.
A Gloucestershire heritage transport extravaganza!
For more information and to book, visit Gloucestershire Archives Events
This monthly series of leisurely lunchtime learning sessions are great for those who are new to learning about the past and for those passionate about history, keen to expand their knowledge on a given subject in a focused session.
Led by experts at Gloucestershire Archives they are easy to digest, laced with humour and full of headline facts and context information ready to unlock an the secrets of a time gone by.
Secrets Revealed are live Zoom seminars that bring together a community of people with a shared interest in history, heritage, culture and their importance in today’s world.
You should receive your Zoom link as an automated message when you book on to this event (remember to press the "Book now" button once you've entered your details). If you don't, please check your junk folder. If it's not in there, please contact and we will send you a link.
‘Anything that moves…’
Trains, planes, buses, barges, ships....
A Gloucestershire heritage transport extravaganza
Saturday 3 December, 1 - 4pm. Free event
1.30pm - ‘Did your Ancestor sail on the Titanic? How to research your ancestors, by Liz Jack,
2.30pm - ‘Gloucester’s Railways’, by Tony Condor
Thomas the Tank Engine comes to the Hub! A working layout by Hucclecote Model Railway Group with a model of the Horton Road Railway Engine Shed
Stroudwater Navigation Archive Charity and associated heritage groups will be available for you to learn about their work.
- Jet Age Museum
- Canal and River Trust
- Alan Drewett of Gloucestershire Transport History featuring a 'GWR at War ' diorama with GRCW wagons and GRCW-built Churchill tanks and other models
- An exhibition of transport related records from collections held within the Gloucestershire Archives
- A focus on immigration and emigration by Gloucestershire Family History Society
Turn up on the day or book now to avoid disappointment
Gloucestershire Family History Society will be open during the day from 10am-4pm. Please visit for further details.