New virtual exhibitions added to the Gloucestershire Archives website
These virtual exhibitions have been put together from the online talks that have been given by Gloucestershire Archives staff over the last few months.
To visit each virtual exhibition click on the image.
An Online Exhibition On Childhood

We all deserve to “belong” somewhere. We all need to feel safe and secure in our identity. We all want to be part of a community. But what does this mean in relation to children throughout the years?
A glance back at Gloucestershire’s historic newspapers'

Travel back through time and read Gloucestershire’s Historic Newspapers. Find out about the introduction of the Gloucester Journal, what has stayed the same in the world of journalism, what’s changed and what used to happen when there was no news to report - you might be surprised.
What was life like inside Gloucester’s Asylums

At one point, Gloucester had 3 asylums; the First County Asylum (Horton Road), Barnwood House Asylum and the Second County Asylum (Coney Hill). All three opened in the nineteenth-century, and all three were closed during the last 50 years, well within living memory.
Historic Country House Estates of South Gloucestershire

South Gloucestershire has some notable, historic country house estates. But what was life like for those who lived and worked in these large country houses in the past? If you have ever wondered what life was like on a historic country house estate, now is your chance to explore our records of some of the most important country houses of South Gloucestershire!
Exploring the history of Kingsholm

Kingsholm is arguably the most famous area in Gloucester, thanks to the presence of the city's beloved rugby team, the Cherry & Whites. However it has had a long history that goes back over a millennia.
Frontiers and Pioneers in Gloucestershire Archives
Gloucestershire has been home to lots of pioneers who’ve pushed back frontiers in all aspects of life. This presentation includes achievements in medicine, engineering, music, travel, social reform and charity work that in various ways originated in the county. It features things ranging from diving bells to guns and adjustable spanners to jets!
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