Gloucestershire Heritage Hub

Local History

A familiar face returns (for a while)

Thanks to generous donors in South Gloucestershire, work is now underway on the parish of West Littleton (down the A46, just about opposite Dyrham Park). The research is being done mostly by Simon Draper, a former denizen of Alvin Street, who is being ‘borrowed’ from his current employers, the Oxfordshire VCH Trust. Simon will be handling most of the documentary sources, many of which reside in the Hub, while John Chandler will be writing up the landscape and topography of the parish, which numbers about 24 households. Assuming all the necessary archives remain accessible (fingers crossed), the work should be largely complete by spring 2021. The results will form part of Volume 14 of VCH Gloucestershire.

John (left) and Simon (right) are pictured at an alfresco ‘project initiation meeting’ in Cheltenham - definitely NOT just a chat over coffee.

James Hodsdon

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