A Call for Volunteers
Help road test our self-service registration and document ordering!
You may remember we reported in our Summer 2017 newsletter that Gloucestershire Archives were successful in their bid to the Local Government Association (LGA) channel shift programme – we received £15,000.
This money has been used to streamline two key search room procedures: customer registration and document ordering. The aim is to enable our customers to register and order documents on-line, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at their leisure, moving away from the awkward double entry system we have at present.
The project is nearing completion and we want to hear from anyone who would like to test the new software and provide feedback about its usability before the new services go live. Not only will you be helping us to improve our customer experience you will also be part of our user engagement evaluation.
For more information about the project or for those of you who are interested in volunteering please forward your details and /or questions to Rosalind Farr at rosalind.farr@gloucestershire.gov.uk
To whet your appetite an introductory YouTube video is available here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlwmk3hrDJI&t=72s