Gloucestershire Police Archives Spring 2023
We mistakenly believed that the winter would be quiet but since the last newsletter we have been very busy.
We often receive queries based on articles on our website and this quarter was no different.
- Majesty magazine have used photographs from the archives in their March issue
- The Mail online have also approached us to use photographs about Queen Mary in Gloucestershire
- The Historical Association have asked to use some of our photographs in their lesson plans
We have answered 24 queries so far this year. While this may not sound many, each query can take anything from 10 minutes to several days to research and answer. Talks and display requests can take a week or longer to prepare.
A few weeks ago we had a visiting Police Officer from Austria who came to the archives with some long serving special constables.

One of the Specials had been serving for 50 years and had some wonderful stories to tell. My favourite one happened in the last few months. There was a road traffic collision in Stroud which the Special was asked to attend. He was unable to get there as the cars were all in use and he was some distance away. The officer who was to attend the collision was coming from the other direction and so was unable to pick him up so he said he would get there when he could to relieve her but it would take him some time to walk there. The officer dealing with the incident was surprised when the Special turned up within quite a short period of time and asked how he managed it. The reply was “I caught the bus!”
The summer is looking to be busy with 8 events, 3 talks and 2 other ‘things’ planned and we know that there will be more requests for talks and events coming in as people look to their calendars.
If you have any police related photographs we are always happy to receive jpegs via and queries can also be sent to the same email address.
We are usually open Monday to Wednesday until 2.30 but it is worth checking before you make a visit as we do go out and about quite often.
Sue Webb, Communications and Engagement Department, Gloucestershire Constabulary Archives