Stroud Local History Society
Major General, Sir Fabian Ware, KCVE, KBE, CBm CMG.
"A truly great Gloucestershire man". by Maureen Anderson
Teacher, newspaper editor and the founder of the Imperial War Graves Commission, who retired to live in Amberley. It was because of Fabian Ware that the remarkable first World War cemeteries were built – a mission Rudyard Kipling described as "work greater than the Pharaohs".
Thursday April 20th 2023. St Laurence Church Hall, The Shambles, Stroud. Doors open 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. Book now – pay on the day - £4.50 non-members. Please book your place(s) by using the link on the programme page of our website or phone Stroud 759641
Stroud Local History Society talk.
Lydiard Park –near Swindon. SLHS member Rob Burles will tell us about the Palladian House with its Museum, Walled Garden, Parkland, Lake, Icehouse and Church. This little church has medieval wall paintings and extraordinary monuments including two memorials by Stroud sculptor Samuel Baldwin in the 1600s and a golden cavalier.
Thursday May 11th 2023. St Laurence Church Hall, The Shambles, Stroud. Doors open 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. Book now – pay on the day - £4.50 non-members. Please book your place(s) by using the link on the programme page of our website or phone Stroud 759641
Gloucester History Festival Spring Weekend
21 - 23 April 2023
Over twenty of Britain’s top historians gather in the magical setting of Blackfriars Priory, Gloucester for three days of inspiring events. Join Digging for Britain’s Alice Roberts, Horrible Histories’ Greg Jenner, Raiders of the Lost Past’s Janina Ramirez, The Silk Road’s Peter Frankopan, former Moscow Correspondent Martin Sixsmith and Prisoner of Geography’s Tim Marshall for a weekend of entertaining talks and controversial debates.

Explore Kings & Queens: a fortnight before the Coronation a dozen monarchs feature in the programme. From Alfred the Great to Elizabeth I, Tutankhamen to the Tudors, where better to explore royalty than in Gloucester where Henry III was crowned? Examine the History of Now: tackle the big issues and understand the history behind events happening today. Russia and Ukraine, Politics and Power and Climate Change through the ages are all up for debate.
Download the Spring brochure GHF-SPRING-online.pdf (
Tickets and information:
Tel: 01452 396131
Open 12 noon - 10pm
Green Day at the Heritage Hub
Voices Gloucester Green Day
Saturday 22nd April 2023 (Earth Day) 1-4pm
Free event with environmentally focused activities for all the family.
Learn about the history of the Severn, and how Gloucester folk engaged with the environment in the past through films, exhibits, talks and creative activities.
Come for the afternoon or just call in for an hour - places are free but booking advised
Voices Gloucester Green Day - Voices Gloucester
Activities include
Amy's Hub of Happiness - Learn how to do visible darning or revive old clothes - learning from the past for a more sustainable future!
Find out about Gloucester's Anglo-Saxon residents and their use of natural remedies and spoken charms with Tir Na Gog Heritage Education. Make a cloth roll of floral and plant remedies pressed and annotated in ancient runes.
Take part in The Wild Escape - Gloucester schools have been working with illustrator Rachel Hathaway to create a vibrant and immersive art space sharing learning about habitats, ecosystems and what we can do to help
Gloucestershire Heritage Hub will also host an exhibition of environmentally themed archives and share a selection of films about the Severn, past and present.

Drop in or stay for the afternoon – this is a free event but please book here to avoid disappointment.
Gloucestershire Archives: Secrets Revealed online talk
‘Treasures from the Archives’
Wednesday 26 April, 1 - 2pm. Free of charge. Online talk.

Treasures from the Archives will be an eclectic look at some of the staff’s favourite documents, ranging from maps and photographs to deeds and songs…and everything else in between!
There is much that you can look at and hopefully much you can learn.
To book visit Gloucestershire Archives Events
This monthly series of leisurely lunchtime learning sessions is great for those who are new to learning about the past and for those passionate about history, keen to expand their knowledge on a given subject in a focused session.
Led by experts at Gloucestershire Archives, the sessions are easy to digest, laced with humour and full of headline facts and contextual information ready to unlock an the secrets of a time gone by.
Secrets Revealed are live online seminars that bring together a community of people with a shared interest in history, heritage, culture and their importance in today’s world.
We are now doing Secrets Revealed talks via Microsoft Teams rather than Zoom. When you book on to the event you should immediately receive a Teams link. This will also be sent a few days before the event. If you have not heard from us by the day of the event, please email
Sunday 30th April
Bank Holiday Monday 1st May
We are teaming with the STEAMPUNKS of GLOUCESTERSHIRE who are organising a fun celebration of the ancient Celtic feast of Beltane during the May Bank Holiday weekend. Attractions include:
The School of Larks Circus
Gloucester Mummers Players
Maypole Dancing
The Jovial Crew
Hobby Horse Dressage
Tea Duelling
Stone Carving Lessons with our Master Mason Stephen & his Journeymen
Steam Tractors
Tea Pot Racing
And, of course, the traditional Gloucestershire Cheese Rolling
30 STALLS - Local Crafts and the STEAMPUNK Market
Family Friendly Entertainment & Music throughout
FOOD & DRINK (non-alcoholic)
And FREE Daytime admission to the main part of the Mansion
In the EVENINGS - musical events (fee will be payable)
More details coming soon... watch this space! Mayday 2023 | Woodchester Mansion
Come and join us for a unique day out in the house like no other.
Want to get involved in heritage?

On Saturday 3rd June we are holding our first ever heritage focus day at the Gloucestershire Heritage Hub. This event is aimed at people wanting a career in heritage as well as those interested in a less formal arrangement, for example, volunteering.
10am - 4pm. All ages and abilities are welcome.
Heritage Hub, Clarence Row, Alvin Street, Gloucester, GL1 3DW

Keynote speaker
Nick Barratt, linked to the BBC Series ‘Who Do You Think You Are? He will be giving a talk entitled ‘Why heritage matters’.
This event is an excellent opportunity to see what archivists, conservators, museum curators, librarians, archaeologists and other heritage based professionals do on a day to day basis. Come and chat with us and learn about training paths and roles. There will also be ‘have a go’ opportunities, demonstrations, films and a ‘behind the scenes’ tour of Gloucestershire Archives.
Further information including the schedule for the day will be available here shortly. At that stage, we recommend that you book on for the talks, as space is limited in the Dunrossil Centre. In the meantime, here is a taster of who will be there.
Who’s coming?
- Key note speaker: Nick Barratt of BBC's 'Who Do You Think You Are?'
- Gloucestershire Archives
- Gloucestershire Family History Society
- Gloucestershire Libraries
- Gloucestershire City Museums
- Stroud Museum in the Park
- Gloucester Cathedral Archives
- Canal and River Trust
- The National Trust
- Jet Age Museum
- Plus freelance experts; experienced heritage volunteers; college and apprenticeship trainers; members of the Archives and Records Association.
Get advice and access to relevant contacts and links. Chat to us, learn about training paths and roles, ‘have a go’ opportunities, demonstrations, films and behind the scenes tour of Gloucestershire Archives.
For more information, and to book, visit Want to work in heritage? - Heritage hub

Five Valleys Local History Association
Local History Exhibition 15-23 July 2023
Museum in the Park, Stroud, GL5 4AF
All the local history groups in the Five Valleys (and the high ground in between) have been invited to take part in a joint exhibition this summer – come and find out more about your own town or village! Tell us a story!
For more information visit -