It is great to be out and about again.
It has been great to get back to some semblance of normality after the short break that we had to impose over December and January. The majority of the volunteers are back in the office and those who work at home have produced some fantastic ‘stuff’ for the website
We are also trying to add to the information that we have about some of our officers and develop those pages of the website.
We are still having plenty of queries in the office, about 40 so far this year some of them very simple and some that can take several weeks to research. One of the most recent ones is about a Special Constable accused of murder in Thornbury which is ongoing as things keep popping out of the woodwork!
It is great to get out and about again for talks, I have been to Yate, recently and have Chipping Sodbury and Thornbury coming up in the next month or so. We have also supported colleagues in the Heritage Hub with both training and family activities on line

Before the crime After they were caught!
Images above from the March Passport to the past session - Tykes, ragamuffins and scallywags: children punishment and the law
We are also working hard to extend our links with other organisations and have visited Northleach prison in the last few weeks and are planning ro renew our links with Tetbury Police Museum during the next few months. Everyone is suddenly very busy as restrictions have been dropped

We are really trying to ensure that things that are currently in the news are captured for the archives.

And we are still being sent photographs that have been lurking in people’s drawers for years.

If you have any photographs we are always happy to receive Jpegs via and queries can also be sent to the same address. The office is open at the Heritage Hub Monday to Wednesday until 2.30.
Sue Webb, Police Archivist