Gloucestershire Heritage Hub

Women’s history month

Fielding and Platt workers

To kick off woman’s history month in the UK, every Friday in March Gloucestershire Archives has been bringing to light women in Gloucestershire, often overlooked or under appreciated.

The second week highlighted some local women in the workforce.

One of our partner projects was all about Fielding & Platt, an engineering firm from Gloucestershire started in 1866. You can see all about the company and the lives of the people that worked there here:

Black and white photograph of the women working at Fielding & Platt, Second World War

One particular page we’d like to highlight today though is this one about the woman who worked there, see here:

Daphne Collier was one of these women. To listen her memories of working at the engineering firm, click on the link:

Daphne Collier

To read all the blogs written by Laura Cassidy visit Women's History Month

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